Progressive Radio
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The corporate mainstream media is always on call. They were successful on Super Tuesday but with groups around the country like TOP, grassroots action must ultimately win.
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Now that it is clear that a Progressive, is the front runner, the big guns of the Plutocracy on all sides are out in full force. Attempts at activists fragmentation on,
Bobby Rodrigo visited the Portland protest at ground zero during the day and night. He clearly reveals the untold truth.
Russell Heath brought some important points to the progressive debate. He talked about the to work together for our causes, prescient observations.
Jonathan Simon talks about the dangers in our computerized election system devoid of paper audit trails and other protection mechanisms.
Coffee Party USA President Jeanene Louden discusses Trump’s paramilitary in Portland, the president’s dereliction of duty, and COVID-19 fallacies.
Activist Bobby Rodrigo was shocked as he delivered food to the poor in the Pacific Northwest. He saw conditions that should anathema to America
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Ed Wynn uses his new book “We The People” to discuss communication skills & sensible solutions. Trump’s Secretary thinks you make too much, & more.
As Trump craters in the polls, Real Republicans are growing spines. But the COVID/mask ineptitude continues. What about the stimulus?
Barack Obama gave Americans their marching orders at the funeral of John Lewis. COVID-19 has come home to roost to the irresponsible deniers.
Activist Bobby Rodrigo visited protest ground zero in Portland during the day & night. He reveals the untold truth. Gohmert gets COVID.
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Supports Independent Media to ensure that Americans receive information that is not biased by advertisers or other entities with interests not necessarily in line with middle-class America.
Independent Media is important because clearly we do not get unbiased news. In fact, it is clear that in this political season there are predetermined candidates who get preferential coverage.
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I am not your average agent. I believe in equal access. I have used independent media to open the eyes of many ensuring that the real estate is less than that black box many are afraid of.
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Arcelio Hartley, a Sankofa Director was interviewed on The Breakfast Club with GerryD.
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Opponents of Medicare for All are usually older and somewhat lacking empathy because of their perceived self-interest. Boomer Granny healthcare reality just may change that. As people start to understand the pilfering nature of our healthcare system especially as one age, only obscene coercion will stop Medicare for All. Medicare for All is our only […]
Medicare for All is one step closer to reality. It will require a spine by Democrats and grassroots activism like never before.
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